The CD, Who Hears The Cries", is a collection of pop songs which is raising awareness on behalf of families affected by divorce, custody and missing children everywhere.
Listen to some samples from the CD, and you will not only hear the quality and style, but also the emotions & love for the children.
The costume used for the "Who Hears The Cries" CD was created to depict the gamut of recovery efforts on behalf of missing children. The patches on the costume were purchased from the US Capital gift shop to depict national pride. An elderly immigrant tailor, who was so emotionally moved to tears when hearing of the plight of children caught up in custody disputes, made the headband.
You can listen to high quality cuts from "Who Hears The Cries" at CD Baby. Just click on the link, then choose which song (or songs) you would love to hear!
To buy CDs by credit or debit card, call 1-800-BUY-MY-CD
NOW AVAILABLE AT, iTunes, Spotify, and many others for digital downloads.
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This page was last updated: August 9, 2016